"You can buy your hair if it won't grow
You can fix your nose if he says soYou can buy all the make up That M.A.C. can make ~~~~ "
-- unpretty by TLC
i 'm 23 but i'm feeling like an adolescent these days who just reached puberty ! why ?
- severe breakout! yikes ! :( yes, pimple here, pimple there, almost everywhere ! my face is red and sore with these 'lil-tumor-like-gross-facial-elements that pops out wherever and whenever it wants to.. they don't even have the decency to at least pop out one at a time like they used to, they now pop out in numbers ! double yikes !
- baby fats :( well, this isn't really much of a problem coz it's definitely my fault.. i can't help it if i love eating.. the thing is, a girl is supposed to have "bil-bil" and chubby cheeks when we're around 13-15 years old.. coca-cola body's supposed to start at 16 and continue throughout our 20's while coke-in-can bodies after pregnancy.. in my case, i had coca cola body in puberty, "bil-bil" and chubby cheeks at 20 ! good thing i DON'T HAVE coke-in-can body yet, or else, i'll make today THE END OF THE WORLD !
- confused state.. lemme explain before your eyes roll out from your sockets .. i'm not confused with my identity.. i know i'm a 100% girl.. and d**ks are still my thing than v****as, okay ? kidding aside, i'm bored with my look.. the problem is, i'm not sure if i should wear my hair long or would short be better.. if i should have it colored or not.. long or straight.. i should've had this problem when i was 13 ! but nope, when i was 13, i've always known that wavy long hair is the way to go.. now at 23 ~~~~~~~ i have no idea and my mind is completely _________ -- blank !
-- i'm too young to have mid-life crisis, and i'm too old for all this drama.. so i PROMISE to set everything right.. i'll get back with you with no pimple, embracing my love handles, and with a new look ! (crossing my fingers ! ) so help me God ! :D
"you can turn off the sun, but i'm still gonna shine !" -- The Remedy
=== yhielle ===
=== yhielle ===
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